
Queensland Sheep and Goat Electronic Identification Rebate

The Queensland Sheep and Goat Electronic Identification Rebate Scheme provides sheep and goat producers and livestock agents a rebate of up to 50% on eligible hardware, such as electronic readers and NLIS accredited eID devices.

Herd of sheep running across paddock

Program information 

Funding will be offered until available funds are exhausted, or until 30 June 2025

Individual eID for sheep and managed goats will be implemented in Queensland from 1 January 2025, as part of an agreed national initiative to enhance biosecurity by track and trace in case of emergency animal disease (EAD) outbreak. 

The eID system has three elements to enable rapid tracing: 

  • Each location has a property identification code (PIC).
  • A high-frequency electronic device (for example, ear tag) with a microchip inside to individually identify each animal.
  • Enters the necessary movement information for each animal into the National Livestock Identification System, NLIS, database. 

The Queensland Sheep and Goat eID Assistance Package will provide:

  • A 50% rebate up to $1600 (per Property Identification Code (PIC) based in Queensland) to sheep and managed goat producers for eID readers and eID devices. 
  • A 50% rebate up to $1600 to Queensland livestock agents for eID readers. 


Am I eligible?

All livestock owners in Queensland are required to be registered as a biosecurity entity if they own (or are in the care and control of) 1 or more cattle, bison, buffalo, sheep, goat, alpaca, camelid, equine, pig, 100 or more birds, or 1 or more European beehive. 

To be eligible for assistance, primary producers must meet the following conditions: 

  • Have a property identification code (PIC) based in Queensland. 
  • Have 30 or more sheep or managed goats. 
  • Have a current and up-to-date biosecurity entity registration. 
  • Must not have claimed assistance through any other Queensland Government eID funding. 
  • Have purchased an approved device or an electronic reader (or a combination of both) on or after 1 January 2023.

To be eligible for a rebate as a livestock agent, the applicant must:

  • Have an Australian Business Number;
  • Have an NLIS account with recorded movement of sheep or managed goats off a PIC in the previous 12 months; and
  • Have purchased an electronic reader on or after 1 January 2023.


What is eligible hardware?

For a sheep and managed goat producer, eligible hardware is an electronic reader and/or an approved electronic device (for example, an electronic ear tag) for use on goats or sheep or a combination of both. For a livestock agent, eligible hardware is an electronic reader.

To see the list of approved electronic devices, click here.

Apply now

Funding will be offered until available funds are exhausted, or until 30 June 2025.

To apply for financial assistance under the Scheme, please complete and submit your application and supporting information via the QRIDA online portal by selecting 'Apply online'. 

If you are unable to apply online, please download the relevant form, complete and return to QRIDA. 

If returning your application via email please attach documents as a pdf, jpeg, png, doc or excel. Please do not send links. If the file is too large, please send in multiple emails or as a zip file attachment.

If mailing your application, please do not include original documents as we are unable to return them.

Frequently asked questions

View all FAQs

Managed goats are a result of a managed breeding program and have been subjected to any animal husbandry procedures or treatments. Managed goat do not include harvested rangeland goats, which are eligible for a 'tag-free movement' directly to slaughter or via one registered goat depot.

A harvested rangeland goat has:

  • Been captured from a wild state

  • Not been born as a result of a managed breeding program

  • Not been subjected to any animal husbandry procedure or treatment.

Yes, if the PIC is registered to an address in Queensland. 

Yes, you are eligible for assistance if you have a business address in Queensland, and can provide and upload ID to show you work as a livestock agent in Queensland. 

Primary producers are able to receive a rebate of up to 50% (up to $1,600) per PIC for electronic readers and approved electronic devices or a combination of both

No. Only eligible hardware purchased after 1 January 2023 is eligible for a rebate.  

Yes, you are entitled to a decision review. See reviewing a decision for more information. 

QRIDA will contact you via telephone, email, SMS or post. If you are concerned about whether the contact you have received is genuine, please contact QRIDA on 1800 623 946 and ask to speak with your Portfolio Manager.

Questions concerning your personal taxation circumstances should be directed to your taxation adviser or the Australian Taxation Office on 13 72 86.

No, rebate payments will only be applied the cost of hardware excluding GST.

No, the rebate will be applied to the cost of eligible hardware only.

The electronic readers must be able to scan approved devices (for example, electronic ear tags), and have been purchased after 1 January 2023.

Primary producer Individual
Grant Rebate

Last updated: 27 September 2024