More than $50 million for long-term North and Far North Queensland flood recovery

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12 March 2025

Extraordinary disaster recovery packages worth more than $50 million are now available support North Queensland’s full recovery from last month’s devastating floods.

Funded by the Albanese and Crisafulli Governments under the joint Commonwealth-state Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA), this latest tranche of extraordinary disaster assistance includes:

  • $30 million Sport and Recreational Community Facilities Recovery Program to rebuild and carry out repairs on flood impacted sport and rec facilities

  • $20 million Community and Recreational Assets Recovery Program a grants-based program to repair and rebuild affected community facilities.

Previously announced $25,000 Extraordinary Disaster Assistance Recovery Grants will also increase to $75,000 for primary producers and $50,000 for small businesses and not-for-profits.

The Australian and Queensland Governments are also extending disaster assistance to Aurukun, Burke, Doomadgee, Mareeba, Mornington, Mount Isa, Napranum and Torres Councils following February’s flood event across northern Queensland.

This DRFA support will fund councils’ response, clean-up and recovery, including emergency repairs and long-term reconstruction of the road network.

This support takes the total number of councils receiving DRFA assistance in response to the North and Far North Tropical Low weather event to 38.

Minister for Regional and Rural Development Dale Last said Queensland agencies are on the ground listening and delivering.

"The TV cameras might have gone down south, but we’re with North Queensland for the long run," Minister Last said.

“The Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority is well prepared for this significant uplift, with staff in North Queensland ready to assist eligible producers, small businesses and not-for-profits.”

To date, 38 councils have been activated for DRFA assistance in response to the North and Far North Tropical Low weather event: Aurukun, Barcaldine, Blackall-Tambo, Boulia, Burdekin, Burke, Cairns, Carpentaria, Cassowary Coast, Charters Towers, Cloncurry, Cook, Croydon, Diamantina, Doomadgee, Douglas, Etheridge, Flinders, Hinchinbrook, Hope Vale, Kowanyama, Longreach, Mareeba, McKinlay, Mornington, Mount Isa, Napranum, Northern Peninsula Area, Palm Island, Pormpuraaw, Richmond, Tablelands, Torres, Townsville, Whitsunday, Winton, Wujal Wujal, and Yarrabah.

For primary producer grants and loans, and rural landholder grants, visit QRIDA's disaster webpage here or call 1800 623 946.

For more information about this extraordinary disaster assistance in support of north and far north Queensland flood recovery, please visit QRA's website.

All support is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments through the Commonwealth-state Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).


Last updated: 13 March 2025