Right to Information
The Right to Information is the Queensland Government's approach to giving the community greater access to information.

The Queensland Government has made a commitment to provide access to information held by the government, unless on balance it is contrary to the public interest to provide that information.
The Right to Information Act 2009 and Information Privacy Act 2009 came into effect on 1 July 2009, replacing the Freedom of Information Act 1992.
The Right to Information reforms aim to make more information available, provide equal access to information across all sectors of the community, and provide appropriate protection for individuals' privacy.
For more information about Right to Information, please visit the Queensland Government Right to Information website.
Access to information
The purpose of this framework is to address QRIDA’s requirements and responsibilities in dealing with information under the Right to Information and Information Privacy Acts and an individual’s rights to apply for access to documents/records. If the information you are looking for is not available through the information contained on this website, you are able to lodge an application to access records.
To inspect or request a copy of the Right to Information Policy, please contact the Executive Manager Corporate Governance and Performance contact QRIDA.
Further details are on the Access to Information page.
Publication scheme
QRIDA's publication scheme describes and categorises information routinely available through our website.
- About us (who we are and what we do)
- Services (the services we offer)
- Finances (what we spend and how we spend it)
- Priorities (what our priorities are and how we are doing)
- Decisions (how we make decisions)
- Policies and procedures are our written protocols for delivering our functions and responsibilities. Copies of policies and procedures are available for inspection or copy by contacting QRIDA.
- Lists or the information held in registers required by legislation and other lists and registers relating to the functions of the agency can be inspected or a copy requested by contacting QRIDA.
Our policies
QRIDA has policies and procedures that provide guidance to staff in the performance of their duties. Key policies have been published below. Copies of other policies and procedures are available for inspection or copy by contacting QRIDA on Freecall 1800 623 946.
Public Interest Disclosure
QRIDA is committed to operating openly and transparently and ensuring public interest disclosures are properly assessed, investigated and actioned. Further details on Public Interest Disclosure Policy (PDF, 125 KB).
Code of Conduct
The Queensland Government and our clients expect QRIDA to deliver its services with integrity, professionalism and accountability. The Code of Conduct outlines how such an outcome is to be achieved. To inspect or request a copy of the Code of Conduct, please contact QRIDA.
Complaints Management Policy
QRIDA is committed to resolving complaints quickly and fairly. This policy supports the right of our customers and stakeholders to have their complaints heard in a timely manner and actioned appropriately. To obtain a copy of the Complaints Management Policy contact QRIDA. Further details on customer complaints.
Disclosure log (information released)
QRIDA will publish applications released under the Right to Information Act 2009 for non-personal information via this disclosure log. As of 1 May 2024, QRIDA has not released any information under this log. Should you have any queries, please contact:
RTI and Privacy Unit
Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority
GPO Box 211
Freecall 1800 623 946
Fax: 07 3032 0300
Email: contact_us@qrida.qld.gov.au